Sunday, 12 February 2012

# 00 The To Do List - Rules and Regulations

Don't judge me.  The lack of progress on the list is not just laziness,  although that is certainly a contributing factor, I've been sick. (Cue favourite joke:  "How sick?  Well I am in bed with my sister...")  But the recent lapse has had me thinking - do I need to create some 'success criteria'?  Surely some 'rules and regulations' would help galvanise my drive.

Does there need to be a 100% completion?  I've never got 100% in anything...ever!  I did once manage 97% in an end of Year 8 RE exam (highest in the year no less) but full marks have always evaded me.  I think if this 'To Do List' is to work then there should be some 'wiggle room'.  But just how much?

90%?  That used to be the attendance bench mark when I was at school.  Part of me thinks - if it was good enough for a certificate (signed by both Head Master AND Head of Year) to go in your National Record of Achievement (Remember it?  The red folder everyone had, but no-one ever took to an interview.  Looked a bit like a Wine List from a 1980s Bistro) then it must be good enough to 'pass' this challenge.

But then again, if the Daily Mail is to be believed (and why would they lie!?) 40% is enough to get you a GCSE C grade in today's appalling underperforming English education system.  So, if it's enough to get me onto a BTEC Advanced Diploma Level 3 NVQ in Childcare Business Hairdressing Work Skills, then it must be enough here, mustn't it?

Who exactly will judge the passes (and possible fails)?  It needs to be someone who can maintain some semblance of objectivity.  Which in its self raises some issues.  Whilst I will obviously want to give myself credit (where it's due) I'm not sure I could maintain a balanced point of view and on the flip side there are some who would no doubt delight in my failing, possibly rigging it so that I did not complete my mission.

The final quandary is the deadline.  Should it be a full year from the start date?  If so that would take me into 2013, but the Blog is called 'The To Do List 2012'.  It could be, midnight on New Year's Eve, but I would hope to be doing something more interesting than writing the final blog on the biggest party night of the year. Or should all this fun and frivolity be done and dusted before the 21st December - I'm not sure if any other Mayan predictions have come true (or even if they made any others), but can I afford to take that chance!?

I will ponder theses issues and more over this half-term break and let you know the findings in due course.  Such difficult decisions - I bet this is what Obama's days are like...