Monday, 2 January 2012

# 1 - Set Up and Keep Up a Blog

Okay, so this is my first attempt at a blog and this is the first post.  It's a minute to midnight and I'm back in work tomorrow after a fortnight's break, but I want to get the show on the road.

The idea for this blog was stolen, virtually wholesale, from Mike Gayle's book 'The To Do List'.  I read the book about two years ago and decided to write a list of my own.  There were 96 items on the '2010 to do list', over half remain incomplete at the time of writing.

So I have reprised the 'To Do List' for 2012.  I've included many of the incomplete items from the original list, for example, # 43 'Clean and polish all shoes' and # 58 'Do more around the house (preferably without being asked)'  and some brand new things like # 37 'get cream for elbow rash' - I should probably include 'diagnose elbow rash' as well, although I think we can take them as a package!

There are currently 80 things to do on the 2012 incarnation, although this is likely to increase over the coming months.

Anyway, as and when the items are achieved (or attempted) I will add a post to the blog thus increasing engagement and hopefully providing the impetus to complete the challenge that is 'The To Do List 2012'.

Wish me luck.

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