Tuesday 3 January 2012

# 30 - Check Cholesterol Levels. Keep Them in the 'Safe Zone'.

Okay so it was only a matter of time before the true nature of the 'To Do List' was revealed.  Like hundreds, if not thousands, of deluded souls at New Year I resolve to lose weight (# 5), getting fit and eating more healthily (both # 6).  I know what you're thinking, fat chance.  After a fortnight of soups and Ryvitas you'll be stopping off for petrol station pasty on your way to McDonald's before going home for tea (these are not actual events but are based on a true story!)

Don't fret, this time it'll be different.  Why?  Because it has to be.  The sad truth is that if I carry on the way I've been going I will be heading for an early grave.  For the last three or four weeks I've been suffering from chest pains - although not life threatening (a mere 3 on the Gaviscon Scale) they got me thinking.  A trip to the doctor's was called for.

The Doc was very sympathetic - her diagnosis was swift; with a smile she prodded me in the stomach, "that won't be helping".  After jumping (metaphorically not literally) on the scale, she was ready to offer a solution, "lose 30 kilos if you want a normal BMI".  So simple, why hadn't I thought of that!? She also suggested a cholesterol test (# 30) would be a good idea given the family history so at 4pm today I manned up and allowed a surly nurse to commandeer three vials of my blood.  Results next week.

# 5 on the 'To Do List' obviously wrote itself - 'Lose Weight'.  The 30 kilos is clearly a long term target so the first target is # 59 'Lose Enough Weight to be Able to go on Rosie's Exercise Bike' (17 stone is the maximum user weight).

On the lighter side of news I have managed to tick another item of the list - # 37 'Get Cream for Elbow Rash'.  Although I have been reliably informed they no longer make a 'cream' and so will have to make do with 'ointment'.  Is there a difference?  Oh yes, "ointment leaves a greasy residue".  Every silver lining has a cloud.

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